анализ современных приемов работы с текстом на уроках английского языка в средней школе

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Предмет: Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков
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Introduction 2
Chapter 1. The content of teaching foreign languages in philological education 6
1.1. Text role when training in a foreign language 6
Features of the content of training in foreign languages philological education 6
1.2. The role of a teacher in training texts 8
1.3.Grammar of the text (types of texts and their grammatical features) 9
1.3.1. Context 11
1.4. Receptive types of speech activity. Reading 13
Training in reading on the basis of critical thinking. System of exercises 14
1.4.1.Development of critical thinking on the basis of equipment of analytical reading. Home reading 18
Chapter 2. Methods and techniques of teaching intercultural communication students on the basis of the text 20
2.1 . Practical application of fiction in the course of English studying 20
2.2. Training in reading (E.N. Solovov. Technique of training in foreign languages. Basic course of lectures. – M.: Education, 2006. Training in reading. Lecture 7) 25
2.3.Skills of independent work with information resources. Technique of work on texts of reference character 26
2.4.Strategy of the translation from original language 29
The translation from original language to other languages 34
2.4.1.Form and content ratio in a target text 34
Concept of an equivalent when transfer 34
2.4.2.Translation transformations in translation 37
Conclusion 42
List of references 47
Appendix 49

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L. K. Latyshev offers the following classification of transformations by character of a deviation from interlingual compliances:• the morphological • the syntactic - represent "formal additions", the grammars of target language (PYa) entering this or that sentence part caused by requirements, not obligatory in original language, but obligatory in target language. Such additions are improbable in the English-Russian translations as synthetic Russian is more flexible in this regard, and in Russian translations naturally fall, instead of different auxiliary verbs and the conditional subjects of impersonal sentences obligatory in English are added.• the stylistic - change of stylistic coloring of a piece of the text; Stylistic additions are welcomed when it isn't possible to find the word corresponding on stylistic or emotional coloring to the word in language of the English original.• the semantic - are necessary for preservation of sense of all statement (text). Moreover, that the meaning of the statement wasn't lost at a literal translation, it is required to enter these or those explanations into the text. This type of addition –• pragmatic increments – it is realized very often (though it isn't obligatory) by means of the translation, compensation, a specification, generalization and modulation as when using these receptions the word or some words are very often added, and always additions inevitably are present at an explication. The pragmatic reasons of additions are explained by need of disclosure when transfer lexicon. It was Friday and soon they'd go out and get drunk. (J. Brain, Room at the Top)There was a Friday, the pay-day, soon these people will go outside and will get drunk. (T. Kudryavtseva Lane and T. Ozerskoy).The words added in translation, were necessary as the Russian reader, as a rule, doesn't know that each Englishman knows: the wages in England is paid out weekly, on Fridays.In some cases the translator is compelled to resort to the help of the comment – for an explanation of these or those phenomena, realities and so forth, clear to the reader in original language, but little-known or unknown to the reader in target language.• the mixed - lexis-semantic-morphological • shifts• replacements (specification, generalization, translation, compensation)• omissions • additions Translation additions in translations of fiction represent one of types of translation transformation. The reason of any emergence of translation transformations consists that in different languages there are objectively different ways of the expression, different language pictures of the world, different semantics of language units. Now there is a number of classifications of translation transformations. The majority of researchers don't allocate translation addition in separate category. However in their works it is noted that translators resort to this reception, carrying out such types of transformations, as an explication, and sometimes and at compensation, a specification, generalization and modulation. Only L. S. Barkhudarov distinguished translation addition from recognized theorists of the transfer to separate category. It divides the reasons causing the necessity of use of translation additions (increments), into four groups: syntactic, stylistic, semantic and pragmatic. about which it was spoken above.Thus L. S. Barkhudarov emphasizes that similar division is considerably approximate and conditional. Ya. I. Retsker, with some reservations, allocates seven kinds of only lexical transformations, offering a little broader classification in comparison with L. S. Barkhudarov, but as a whole without contradicting it. Moreover, it is necessary to notice that the called classifications of transformations don't contradict, and mutually supplement each other as are carried out on different classifying signs. Thus, depending on a specific goal can be offered and other classifications of transformations. Within this work consideration of various theoretical concepts therefore we will be limited only to those from them which are represented essential to our research isn't provided.First of all, in translation semantic excess words fall.Nature of contextual replacement entirely depends on features of an individual context, and the translator should look for each time special ways of the translation. This task demands the creative decision, and in the majority of similar cases the translator can be guided only by the general principles of the translation. Nevertheless, there is a number of the translation receptions used, generally for creation of contextual replacements. The specification represents replacement of the word of source language with wider value, the word of other language with narrower value.Replacement of unit of the source language having narrower value, target language unit with wider value, i.e. transformation, the return specifications is called as generalization. Created compliance expresses the generic term including the initial specific.The essence of reception of the translation consists that the translator replaces an affirmative design negative or on the contrary that is accompanied by the corresponding lexical replacement of unit of source language with its antonym in target language. Within the translation unit of source language can be replaced not only opposite unit of target language, but also in other words and the combinations expressing opposite thought.Reception of compensation is applied in that case when a certain language phenomenon can't in itself be transferred by target language. In this case, compensating the loss arising in translation because that this or that language unit of source language remained not translated adequately, the translator reports the same information any other means, and it isn't obligatory in the same place of the text that in the original. Compensation is used especially often where it is necessary to transfer purely language features of the original (dialecticisms, specific features of the speech, the wrong language forms, a pun, a word-play, etc.) which not always have direct compliances in target language. At the translation of the wrong speech, the translator shouldn't be connected by application of that category of means what the foreign author uses. Reception of compensation is indicative that it accurately illustrates one of basic provisions of a translation theory - separate elements of the text, and all text as a whole are adequately translated not. In other words, there are untranslatable particulars, but there are no untranslatable texts.Replacement of the word or the source language phrase the target language unit which value is logically brought out of value of initial unit is called as modulation or semantic development. Semantic development when transfer is that in translation the word or the phrase which value is logical development of value of translated unit is used.Semantic development means withdrawal from direct dictionary compliance to this word or the phrase. Thus, essentially semantic development doesn't differ from simpler methods of lexical transformation, a specification and generalization. Distinction here only in character and degree of complexity of reception. It must be kept in mind that semantic development always belongs not to one separately taken floor, and, at least, to the phrase or semantic group.Most often values of such words and phrases in the original and in translation happen are connected by the cause and effect relations. Thus replacement of the reason of the phenomenon with its consequence (or on the contrary) at all doesn't break translation accuracy, and, on the contrary, is the best, and at times and the only way of adequate transfer of the contents of the original. Use of this reception demonstrates that quite often achievement of adequacy is connected with a deviation from an original letter, with creative approach to overcoming of translation difficulties.In translation process if it is dictated by a context, the subject, process or a sign can be replaced with other subject, process or the sign which has been logically connected with the replaced. Replacement of any of these three categories any other category is thus possible, that is quite naturally to replace when transfer the word designating a subject, say, designating its sign, a subject - process, process - a subject or a sign, a sign - a subject, etc. It is clear that these replacements are interfaced to replacement of grammatical categories, that is to simultaneous grammatical transformation. However at the heart of each grammatical transformation need or expediency of withdrawal from lexical dictionary compliance, that is inexpediency of a literal translation lies.When at the translation of the phrase, semantic group or the offer it isn't possible to make a start from dictionary compliances or contextual values of separate words, but it is necessary to understand semantic value of all translated whole and to put it into words, sometimes very far from original words, reception of complete reconsideration is used. It is one of the most difficult methods of transformational transfer. This reception finds the broadest application when transfer phraseology which reflects specifics of a living spoken language.The explication or the descriptive translation is a lexical and grammatical transformation at which the lexical unit of original language is replaced with the phrase, i.e. offering more or less full explanation or determination of this value in target language. By means of an explication it is possible to transfer value of any word in the original. Lack of the descriptive translation is its bulkiness and verboseness. Therefore most successfully this way of the translation is applied in those cases where it is possible to manage rather short explanation. So, each lexeme possesses "a set of meanings" which are reflected in semantic, syntactic, pragmatical fields. Thus, the word analysis in a certain context – the most important task of the translator who sets a task to distinguish a set of meanings of a lexical unit.Principles of classification of lexemes:- denotative;- the paradigmatic;- the associative.The most traditional principle is cornerstone at the heart of which extra-linguistic approach is. The paradigmatic principle, is crossed with the denotative principle when classification are carried out by way of extracting in word meanings of identical and differential components.Conclusion Pertinent use of the computer at a lesson of a foreign language is advisable as the main component of the content of training in a foreign language is training in different types of speech activity in speaking, to audition, reading, the letter, namely, not only to ability to listen to a foreign-language role, but also allows the pupil to receive necessary data of the help character, most to say phrases in a foreign language in a microphone, and also to carry out grammatical exercises, to watch and analyze video movies and video topics. Moreover, by means of the computer it is easier to organize independent work of students, as at a lesson, and out-of-class. Application of information computer technologies in aspect of work on audition and reading – receptive types of speech activity - on the basis of equipment of critical thinking makes an essential contribution to formation of harmoniously developed personality. Maslyk in "The reference book of the teacher of a foreign language". In the book development in pupils of creative activity, independence, formation of conscious, constructive and reformative character is offered, to their activity, ability to work in collective, education of the positive relation to carried-out activity. All components or textbook components that reflects essence of training in modern school are subordinated to problems of education and development of school students. And informative that this book included own development of authors that induces teachers is very interesting to pay attention to not made use useful methodical experience (it is a separate material of the Council of Europe to the "Studying of Languages — to Citizens of Europe" Program) that is more effective organization of training in foreign languages on the basis of communicative system and active approach and in a context of interaction of cultures. At the same time reference of exercises and methodical receptions is a free creative choice and opportunity for me to rethink the teaching, to systematize stated in a grant both the knowledge and ability in training in a foreign language. The book included materials on updating of the content of training, and also in the order of carrying out Unified State Examination.The content of training in a foreign language includes not only the maintenance of the practical purposes of training, but also promotes their realization. By main objectives of the content of training in foreign languages in philological education are aimed at the development in pupils of culture of communication in the course of formation of all aspects of a foreign-language discourse. It, in turn, assumes formation of language skills (phonetic, grammatical, lexical), and also their use in speech activity. Texts, subjects, lexicon, etc. are selected taking into account their use in formation of all types of speech activity (speaking, reading, the letter, audition), developments of socio-cultural skills and abilities. Thus, содержание (as well as structure) contents of training in foreign languages is defined, first of all, by the practical purposes of training and, secondly, continuity between grade levels. Features of the content of training in foreign languages define requirements to selection of a language material on the basis of which approach to training – that methodological basis which defines tactics and training strategy, and also selection of methods of training is formed.The modern graduate of comprehensive school needs to give not reproductive knowledge, not simply abilities of use of library tools, and to create creative abilities of the address with information resources which aren't lost. Thus much attention when training in work with texts is paid to formation of analytical skills and skills of critical thinking during the work with information which are cornerstone of information literacy. The modular system allows to consider opportunities and requirements of educational institution, to vary the contents and the organization of lessons for each parallel. If necessary and possibilities of any of modules it can be repeated or moved to other parallel.Options of integration of the program include carrying out occupations in educational space of school within a regional or school component, facultative, or additional classes in system of class hours, within collaboration of the librarian with subject teachers on the basis of interdisciplinary approach.Summing up the result, it is necessary to emphasize especially that training in a natural, modern foreign language is possible only on condition of use of the materials taken from life of native speakers or made taking into account features of their culture and mentality according to accepted and used speech norms. Use of the similar authentic and educational and authentic materials representing natural speech work, created in the methodical purposes, will allow to carry out with bigger efficiency training in all types of speech activity, in particular, to reading reference literature in a foreign language.During research the objective of this research is realized – features of training in a receptive kind of activity – reading in a context of formation of the foreign-language communicative competence (FLCC) by means of technology of critical thinking are considered, and also the work technique with texts of reference character as means of formation of critical thinking of students of teacher training college in the course of training in English is developed.Research problems are carried out:- the work technique with texts of reference character as means is developed for development of critical thinking of pupils in the course of training in a foreign-language discourse- the concept of foreign-language communicative competence of aspect of training in English on the basis of reading as receptive type of speech activity is analyzed- the role of technology of development of critical thinking in the course of training in English on the basis of texts of reference character is revealedThe research hypothesis which consists in that is proved, that the work technique with texts of reference character is эффективным means of formation of critical thinking of students of teacher training college in the course of training in English.During research the leading role of the teacher in the course of formation of critical thinking of students when training in work with texts of directory character is revealed, and also the technology of work with texts of the reference character, directed on formation of critical thinking of students of teacher training college (is shown see. Appendix)Teaching in aspect of technology of critical thinking represents difficult process which includes a set of components — the teacher who is training, environment or the situation, used materials and receptions in which context there is an active interaction between subjects of educational process – the teacher and pupils. However in the center of this activity there is a teacher as he establishes models of communication and shows behavior which is capable or to prevent training process, or to promote it.Through the teacher the concept of critical thinking as outlook of the teacher, to being refracted in concrete behavior and receptions is realized, makes impact on outlook of the students which main condition is formation of skills of critical thinking.Important how the teacher can promote formation at students of knowledge on the basis of critical thinkingIn audience the teacher acts in roles: the mentor or the head in the course of training and formation of values at students; (b) interlocutor. Gage (1984) believes that teaching represents manual and management process, creating for being trained optimum conditions for study. Thus, how the teacher understands essence of process of training, will define its philosophy of training, pedagogical receptions and approaches. It does a task of the teacher difficult and various. Students study, perceiving in a complex that knowledge, skills and values which are shown by the teacher. In the course of training they perceive, individually reflect and reconstruct the experience under the leadership of the teacher.The teacher, therefore, needs insistently to realize responsibility for those actions which give in to its control, that is, for own (HaymanandRosof, 1985:42).It gives the chance to pupils to approach to training process flexibly and independently. He creates such atmosphere which promotes the fullest disclosure of potential opportunities of the pupils. He allows them to experiment, make own decisions — to create.The foreign language skills, at least one, are vital for the modern expert – the creative person acting on the international scene: at conferences, meetings, exhibitions, fairs, seminars, presentations – and showing the talent to the whole world, defending the creative identity on the scale of universal culture. Language of the international communication conducting in the world, certainly, there is an English. Summing up the result, it is necessary to emphasize especially that training in a natural, modern foreign language is possible only on condition of use of the materials taken from life of native speakers or made taking into account features of their culture and mentality according to accepted and used speech norms. Use of the similar authentic and educational and authentic materials representing natural speech work, created in the methodical purposes, will allow to carry out training in all types of speech activity with bigger efficiency, in particular, to audition, to imitate immersion in the natural speech environment at lessons of a foreign language.In summary it is necessary to emphasize once again that an ultimate goal of training in audition at high school is acquisition by the graduate of skills of perception and understanding of the foreign-language speech aurally that will help it to take part in acts of oral communication, in turn. However, as pupils have no sufficient contacts with native speakers, effective achievement of this purpose is impossible without use of authentic materials when training in audition as they provide formation of ability to understand the foreign-language speech under natural conditions communication.From criteria of authenticity we consider as the basic criterion of functionality. Functionality is understood as orientation of authentic materials to vital use, to creation of illusion of familiarizing with the natural language environment that is the main factor in successful acquisition of a foreign language. Work on functionally authentic material approaches the pupil to real conditions of the use of language, acquaints it with various linguistic means and prepares for the independent authentic use of these means in the speech.During research the objective of this research is realized – features of training in receptive kinds of activity – audition and reading in a context of formation of the foreign-language communicative competence (FLCC) by means of technology of critical thinking are considered.The following research problems are carried out:- the concept of foreign-language communicative competence is analyzed - the essence of the language statement in aspect of its communicative orientation is defined-- the work technique with the audio-text, video records, the electronic textbook as means for development of critical thinking of pupils is presented.the concept of foreign-language communicative competence is analyzed - reading as a receptive type of speech activity is characterized - it is shown a work technique with texts as means for development of critical thinking of pupils.- definition is given to the concept "authentic materials"- need of practical application of computer technologies as effective component in improvement of quality of training in a foreign language is proved.As a result of research the purpose of it - the analysis of modern working methods with the text at English lessons at high school – is gained. - consideration of features of training in reading in a context of formation of the foreign-language communicative competence (FLCC) by means of technology of critical thinking and modern computer technologies are achieved.- List of references1 . 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Read the first part of the story.ТЕКСТ(см. сноску)Vocabulary(ПОСЛЕ ТЕКСТА)strolledround – прогуливался, бродилre-fixing – перетягивалиbow-string – тетиваsundry repairs – разныепочинкиrestive – беспокойныйathirstforaction – жаждущий действий (борьбы)roughlymade – грубо сделанныйmounted – поднялся, взобралсяsuddenhalt – неожиданная преградаSherwoodForest – Шервудский лесoutlaws – разбойникиswirlingstream – журчащий ручейoaf – громила, верзила5. Are the following statements true or false?a/ Robin was athirst for action. (t)b/ It was good waiting in the forest for adventure to come along.(f)c/ Robin Hood set out through the mountains to a small village. (f)d/ The stranger made no attempt to let Robin Hood pass. (t)e/ Robin Hood let the giant pass. (f)Paraphrase the following.a/ For two weeks little has happened in the way of adventure;b/ He reminded his men to keep their ears sharpened for the call of his horn should there be trouble;c/ Robin Hood had no intention of giving way to a stranger, however big he might be;Choose the best translation into RussianThey look as if they are fresh from battle.a/They began to look for a place, where to have a rest.b/Seemed that fight tired them.c/Such impression that fight fills them with energy. (+)2 . He mounted the bridge, but there he came to a sudden halt.a/didn't manage to climb up it the bridge as unexpectedly I stopped. (+)b/On the bridge from which it there was an obstacle.c/Having climbed up the bridge, the unexpected obstacle stopped it.8 . Read the Russian version of the first part of the story. Compare the two versions and note down the difference. Robin Hood and Kid JohnPassed two weeks. And once Robin Hood, watching how all in his group were busy: produced arrows, pulled a bowstring, sewed clothes, something repaired, made and still many other things, I thought: "As I am glad that my friends found to themselves business. I see that they are ready to fight any minute. It is a pity only that for the present there was no battle and in general anything unusual". Robin Hood always dreamed of feats and adventures. Here and now thirst of fight overcame it. He told Machu-synu Melnik who quite recently joined them about it:- My friend, I know that it is huge honor, to be at the head of such nice group, - there began Robin. Then, having a little kept silent, I added: - But one thought all the time haunts me.- You about what speak, Robin? – I responded Mach-syn Melnik.- You after all will agree with me, Mach, what I bear responsibility for each of you? – Robin Hood asked.- Yes, Robin, - I told Mach, still without understanding at what that drives.- And so, for this reason I don't know how to be farther. I can't give to my companions for the sake of what we created our group – the present put. You see that people are ready to fight, and fight isn't present and isn't expected yet. - Don't despair, Robin. You have nothing to blame. Ourselves came to you and are glad to live such big and close-knit family, - Melnik's son said, having friendly patted Robin Hood shoulder.- And as for fight for justice, - it continued, - that I am sure that it at us still ahead.- Perhaps, you also are right, Mach but to sit and wait for adventures, idly, not in my character. And you perfectly know a saying that "he who would eat the fruit, must climb the hill". It is necessary to think up something interesting. It is time to work.- Where to look for adventures, Robin? - I asked Mach.- I am sure that the real adventures wait for us outside Sherwood Forest. Here also I solved, Mach to try to look for them there. Therefore I should abandon you for some time. I hope that it for a while. As soon as I will find such business which will please to all, I will at once return.- Well, Robin, - I said Mach, - your will. Go and announce all the decision. I think that nobody will object you.When Robin Hood told the friends that disturbs him, all understood him and with pleasure supported, having told that long ago dream of adventures.Next day Robin went to a way. However, before the leaving, it once again warned the people:- Be careful, my friends. Be always on the alert and you are on the alert. The enemy can appear somewhere nearby. But you know that to do in case of danger.Having told it, Robin Hood was let to the road, yet without knowing whom he should meet this day. He knew only one: adventures are necessary to it and his friends, and it won't return until it won't manage to find them. So, shipped in the dreams, Robin didn't manage to notice how came to be on the very narrow shady footpath conducting in depth of the wood. There was it long enough while the footpath didn't bring him to an edge. There he stopped and looked round. Where to go further? Robin already was going to turn to the right as suddenly I saw one more hardly noticeable footpath which as he after understood, conducted across the field on other party of the wood. There, behind the wood there had to be a village where our hero decided to go.While it went across the field, managed to notice that to the left of a footpath the small streamlet murmured. However the further it went, the stream which, eventually, and led it to the small wooden bridge thrown in that place where the stream turned into the most real river became wider. Robin Hood started passing the bridge as suddenly I saw the strapper who moved to it towards on other end of the bridge. It is necessary to tell that for two places not to the bridge wasn't therefore someone had to give way. The giant, apparently, wasn't going to do it, however Robin wasn't confused at all, and safely stepped forward: it too was not a bast a board. Having reached the bridge middle, both pigheads stopped. All type of the stranger said what to bypass it will be difficult. Instead of passing a giant, Robin also didn't move a little. It became suddenly interesting to it that that will do farther. It became clear soon that none of them aren't going to give way. However it was necessary to work, and Robin unexpectedly decided to continue the way. It took one step forward. Then, having darted a glance down and having seen stream cheerfully murmuring under the bridge, he said, addressing to a giant:- Let's me pass, buddy!In reply the strapper didn't stir at all.- All right. I see that politeness you don't differ, - Robin noticed. - In that case, and I won't stand on ceremony with you. I will force you to move a little.7 . Work in pairs. Act out the conversation between Robin Hood and John Little.8 . Imagine that you are Robin Hood. Note down the words you would tell John Little. Would you let him pass? Why or why not?Part III (reading)1 . Read the third part of the story (see a footnote)Vocabularywaded out – got out of (stream)employ – to take for workwander on – to wanderstriding after – walking (for)Lincoln green – green clothtumbled into – dumped (in)mischievously – ozornopoured – poured outmugfuls of water – full circles of water dined richly off – have densely dinner 2 . Answer the questions in the note form.1/Who waded out? (Robin)2/What did Robin Hood ask the stranger about? (his business)3/What was the stranger’s name? (John Little)4/What was John’s trouble? (work in his own way)5/Did John Little need a good work? (Yes)6/Could Robin Hood help John Little? (Yes)7/What did Robin Hood place to his lips? (his horn)8/Who surrounded Robin Hood and John Little? (crowd of men)9/How did Robin Hood introduce his band to John Little? (Merry men)10/What was the work of his merry men? ("to right the wrong")11/Was John Little keen to join Robin’s band? (Yes)12/ What name was given to John Little after his rechristening? (Little John)13/ How did the Merry men rechristen John Little?14/ What was the uniform of his merry men? (Lincoln green)Paraphrase the following.a/ Our work is to ‘right the wrong’;b/ John Little was keen to join;Can you predict what the story is likely to finish?Describe John Little.Why do you think Robin Hood asked John Little to join his band? Do you agree with him? Imagine that you are Little John. Would you join the band? Give reasons, why or why not?Choose the paragraph (A – D) to fit the gap (1 – 4).The men laughed, and swarmed about John Little, dragging him down to the ground Will-the Wrestler suggested a new name. (4.)While the giant was speaking, Robin had been trying to wash some of the mud from his new suit of Lincoln green.(1.)His only answer was a stream of dirty water that still lay in the instrument after its soaking in the brook. Robin laughed merrily, and his companion joined in. Robin shook the horn dry and blew again. (2.)If there is a tyrant anywhere about, or if a man robs the poor, he has to settle with us. There will be plenty of fighting. It is a hard life, but it offers fine sport. What say you? (3.)8. Retell the whole story in the Past Tenses.KING ARTHUR AND THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLEBefore you start.Look at the title of the story. Do you know who King Arthur was?Before you read the story, decide which of the following words you would expect to find in the story?Forest, sword, punish, monk, doctor, palace, Britain, castle, ruins, farmer, school, king, noble, wife, theatre, museum, table, knight, brother, son, church, war, ancient, struggle, buy, sale, conquer, courageous, faithful, beautifulBefore you read the story match the words with their meanings (A-a, B-b,…).A. knight c. добычаB. prayera. рыцарьС. preyd. наковальняD. anvilb. молитваE. wizardf. эфесF. hilte. волшебникG. steedg. коньH. plunderj. устремлятьсяJ. swooph. грабитьK. foe k. враг4.Read the story and answer the questions.1). Who were overcome by the Romans?2). Why did the Romans leave Britain?3). What was king Arthur famous for?4). Why were the knights known as the Knights of the Round Table?5). Where was the proud castle of Tintagel situated?6). Is the place sad or is it lonely now?7). Was Arthur the son of a king or a forester?8). What was the wizard’s name?9). Where was a fine sword stuck into?10). Who could pull the sword out of the anvil?Здесь рассказ стр. 7-15What do the words in italics refer to?…but that this was kept a secret.…who placed him in the care of a knight.While they were at prayers a stone arose in churchyard.He went with them to London when the lords and knights were called together.Then at their head he fought against the foes of his land.Note down all the words and expressions which refer to King Arthur and his knights.The words on the left may be unfamiliar to you, use the clues on the right to help you understand what they mean.strive – struggle for victory attempt, aimbard – singer, travelerharper – musician multi-stringed instrumentcliff – steep rock high hillWork in pairs. Discuss what evidence there is in the passage for the following statements. The Romans had to take their soldiers away from Britain.The Romans were masters of Britain.King Arthur was the bravest and noblest knight.The knights were all equal.Tintagel is very lonely now.Arthur was brought up as the knight’s son.Arthur had to be the king of the land.Work in pairs. Act out the conversation between King Arthur and his brother. There are two summaries of the story. Choose the best one.1). King Arthur was a British king. He fought many battles with the English. Arthur’s castle was at Tintagel. His Knights of the Round Table gathered in the castle. Wonderful stories are told of their doings. Arthur pulled the magic sword out of the stone. He proved himself to be the rightful king of Britain.2). King Arthur was a British king. When the Romans had left Britain, and the British were trying to win it, Arthur led the Britons against their foes. He fought many battles with the English. He gathered about him a band of brave and noble knights. They sat at a round table to show that all were equal. Because of this they were known as the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur’s castle was at Tintagel, on the northern shore of Cornwall. Wonderful stories are told of their doings. Many of these stories are little more than fairy tales. Thus, the story of how Arthur pulled the magic sword out of the anvil, and thus proved himself to be the rightful king, is only a fairy tale. Imagine you are among the knights in the churchyard. Using ten or so words and expressions from the text, write a short story beginning:“All the knights tried to pull out the sword, but in vain.”Read and ListenTHE LAST BRITISH KINGp.p.15 - 17Before you start. Match the words to their meanings (A-a, B-b…)A. starvec. заботитьсяB. plucka. голодатьC. tendb. выдергиватьD. strikef. бежатьE. slew (oт slay) d. ударятьF. fled (от flee) e. убиватьG. bade (от bid) g. проситьFill in the gaps with the words from ex. 1. in the correct tense form.They hoped to … Arthur and his men by surrounding the tower.“Wear the magic sword, said Merlin, “which you …out of the anvil.”His foes could not see to… back, and they were afraid of the strange sight.Arthur … many of them, and the rest….The King called last of his knights and … him throw magic sword into a lake.Arthur was placed in the barge, and the three queens… him gently.The final paragraphs of the story have been printed in the wrong order.Listen to the story and put them in the right order. (Внимание! Параграфы 11, 12, 13, 14 на стр. 17 напечатать в обратном порядке, а записать на пленке – в нужном порядке).Здесь историяThe title expresses the main idea of the story. Now read the story and decide which of the following sentences expresses the title.1). Then the wizard Merlin came to the chiefs and told them that Arthur was the son of the last king, and the rightful heir to the throne.2). Arthur fought twelve great battles with the English, and kept them from spreading over the country.Answer the following questions in the note form.Example: Who said that Arthur was the last British king?Merlin. 1). Who was Merlin?2). Where did Arthur lead his men?3). What did Arthur do with his foes?4). How many battles did Arthur fight?5). Where was Arthur stricken to?6). What thing did Arthur ask his knight to throw into a lake?7). How many times did the sword wave in the air?8). What was the colour of the barge?9). How many queens tendered him?Each word on the left is related in meaning to the group of the words on the right. Choose the word on the right which is most similar in meaning to the one on the left in the context of the passage.Boldly – fearlessly, violentlyFierce – hard, wildTorch – light, fireEdge – side, endBarge – boat, busGently – lovely, tenderlyWrite down the words which mean the same as:To drawTo killCourageouslyOne who inherits

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Письменная коммуникация современных школьников как отражение уроков русского языка в средней школе,

Письменная коммуникация современных школьников как отражение уроков русского языка в средней школе,

Николенкова Н. В.

В 1860 году в Императорский санкт-Петербургский университет академика И. И. Срезневским были читаны публичных лекций "Об изучении родного языка". В них и в опубликованных на их основе работах он говорил: "Знание родного языка необходимо предполагает силы ума, внимания, сообразительности, отчетливости и вместе с ними той силы, которая называется исследовательностью, проникающей в тайны законов существования предмета знания по частям и в целостности.. Иначе ребенок и затвердит многое, но только затвердит, не более – и скоро забудет" [Срезневский 1871, s. 17]. Академик Срезневский создает этот цикл лекций и рассказывает о наблюдениях, как, почему и на какие книги нужно изучать русский язык, потому что, по его собственным словам, он "пришлось учить родных детей". Поэтому все мысли ученого-русиста-это еще и размышление отца о будущем детей, о том, что им будет нужно в жизни. Нам кажется, что идеи, высказанные 150 лет назад великим русским ученым, не находят применения в процессе преподавания русского языка в современной школе, несмотря на то, что и сегодня не потеряла своей актуальности.

Среди множества новых на сегодняшний день форма письменной коммуникации есть одна, большинство участников которой-дети и подростки. Это sms-переписка. В настоящее время есть исследования в области языка интернет-и sms-сообщений, в абсолютном большинстве которых отмечается и специфика орфографии такой переписки, и "спецсимволы", которые используют, получающих этот вид передачи сообщений, и пренебрежение правилами русской пунктуации в них [Дедова 2007, s. 342-343]. Мы предлагаем для обсуждения аспектов: как отражается в эта форма письменного общения школьников характер обучения русскому языку в средней школе.

Расходы, их эксперимент на сравнительно небольшой группе детей (автор доклада имеет дочь-школьницу с весьма широким кругом общения – от семи до пятнадцати лет), мы получили результаты, которые представляют интерес как для лингвистических исследований, так и для методистов, работающих над составлением школьных учебников и справочных пособий для школы.

Таким образом, мы будем использовать в качестве примеров текстов, созданных следующую группу учащихся. Валя – 8 лет, закончила 2 класс, русский язык на "5". Лиза, Таня и Эльвира – 11 лет, 5 класс, "4". Аня – 12 лет, 6 класс, "4". Настя – 12 лет, 6 класс, "3". Алена и Стася – 13 лет, закончили 7 класс, русский язык "3" (как и названные выше Настя и Таня, обе девочки – спортсменки, посещающие школу в перерывах между тренировками). Даша – закончил 7 класс, 13 лет, студент. В качестве окончательной оценки берется ежегодно, в этом возрасте, девушки уверены в том, что она отражает их знания русского языка. Здесь, обратите внимание, что для исследования привлекалась более широкой группы детей, но с названными выше 9 участников эксперимента, автор имеет хороший личный контакт, поэтому нам удалось обеспечить учащихся и другие формы работы уже созданных ими текстов, что позволило скорректировать полученные результаты.