Time Travel and the Speed of Light

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Time Travel and the Speed of the Light

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The spatialdistance between thetwo eventsis zero:dx = 0; dy = 0, dz = 0The interval betweenthese two eventsdetermines theproper time interval^Letsystem have clocks at rest. Considertwo eventsin . The first event isreadinghours at . The second event isreadinghours at . The time between these two events in is:The interval between these two events is:Time conversionofthe systemto K is carried out bythe following formula:As thespatial distancein between the two eventsis zero, and the time intervalis equal to1 the system Kclock showsthattime has passed is equal to:So, for theobserver whois at restin the coordinate system Kthe clock showsthat it has beenlonger than1 sec. This is oneof the most surprisingfindingsof the special relativity theory.Forthe layman, this conclusion seemsparadoxical andserved as oneof the reasons fortrying torefute thespecial relativity andproveits internal contradictions.One of the mostcommon ways torefutethe so-calledspecial relativity wastwin paradox. It isformulatedin the followingway.Considertwo twins.Oneflieson a rocketon a long journey. The rocketmovesat a speedclose to the speedof light, so that=0.1The secondleaves on the Earth. The firstbrother is backto the Earth after traveling.His ownclock showsthat one year passed. The secondbrother’s watchshows that10 years have passed. The conclusion is as follows: the twinliving on Earth grew 10 years old, whilehis brothergrew onlyone year old. "Well,"-says the person who wantsto refute thespecial relativity."Nowlet's look atthe situationfrom the perspective ofhis brother-traveler. From his pointof view the Earth is movingat a speedclose to the speedof light, and therefore, the worldwatcheshave to goslower. Brother-traveler returning to Earthdiscovers thathis brother’sclock showsonly365 days. "Paradox!"the opponentexclaims,"This provesthe internal contradictionsof special relativity!"After that,it is concludedthat thespecial relativityis not true.Of course,this conclusion is basedon the error. The errorlies in the factthat the astronauttravelingon a rocketis ina non-inertialframe of reference for part of the road.Therefore,the two systemsare not equivalent. The twinremainingon Earthwill grow oldmore thana traveler.Paradox of twins paradox: Minkowski Charts and Lorentz Ether TheorySpace-time diagrams (or Minkowski charts) help in visualisation of the content of Lorentz transformations. Representation of Galilean transformations by analogousdiagrams is also possible but, owing to the simplicity of these transformations,they are never used.The points of the (t; x) coordinate plane represent events. For any point, the position and the moment of time of the corresponding event is obtained by parallel projection along the axes. The motion of a point mass is a continuous array of events which on the diagram is represented by a continuous curve called world line. In Newtonian physics world lines can be of any form with proviso that to any t there corresponds a unique value of x since no body can be found in several different places at the same moment of time. To a given x, on the contrary, there belong as many different moments of time as many times the body returns to the same place x.The world line of a uniformly moving body is a straight line x = t + x0. The angle β made by this line with the t-axis is connected to the velocity trough the formula = tan β. For a point mass at rest β = 0: the world line of a body at rest is parallel to the t-axis. In particular, the world line of a point mass, resting at the origin x = 0, is the t-axis itself, and it is often convenient to look at the t-axis as the x = 0 axis.These refer to both Newtonian and relativistic physics (inthe latter case the velocity on the world lines must be smaller than c). They aresummarized on figure 5.Figure 5World lines on the Minkowski diagramThe properties of the relativistic space-time diagrams aresummarized on figure 6. Primed and unprimed coordinates of an event E are obtained by means ofparallel projection along the corresponding axis, if only the unity is taken on them properly. Primed axes correspond to motion of withpositive velocity (>0; β>0). In the opposite case (<0; β<0). the time axisis rotated in counterclockwise, the x-axis in clockwise direction. The primed axes will then make an obtuse angle with each other. Since primed and unprimed frames are equivalent, rectilinear coordinates are by no means distinguished with respect to the oblique ones. If, for example, the primed coordinates are taken in the vertical and horizontal direction then the unprimed coordinates will make an obtuse angle between them.Figure 6Representation of Lorentz-transformation on the Minkowski diagramIn any ether theory that adopts the Galilean metrics for absolute space and the reciprocity principle, the observable world looks as in special relativivty: the “measured” space and time intervals obey the Lorentz transformations. The exclusive place Lorentz Ether Theory among an infinite number of such ether theories is defined by a choice of the Galilean transformations for physical space-time four vectors, the simplest kind of non-trivial transformations in Nature. The Lorentz ether postulates are not independent artificial assumptions, they are derived from the Galilean transformations, keeping Galilean metrics of the absolute space. In this theory the twin problem loses its paradoxical nature.ConclusionWhen thestudyof the solar system is completed, the nearest star Alpha Centauri will bethe first in thequeue. It is 4.3light-distant year long, slightly more than40 000billionkm. Curiously,this distanceis 10,000 timesgreater than the radiusof the solar system. The aircraftcouldovercomesuch a distancein4 million years, and it would takethespacecraftwithchemical fuel engine at least 40000 years.So,I imagine thatambition,the desire for fame, alack of common senseor, more modestly, the pursuit of the unknownto get someoneto flowtorisky andunprecedentedjourney, and here itstarted.Relativity strikingly manifests in the calculation of flight time and distance traveled. These calculations are performed in different ways for the inhabitants of the Earth and astronauts. For simplicity, assume the distance to Alpha exactly equal to four light years, and the speed of the spacecraft to be constant and equal 240,000 km/s, i.e.four fifth of the speed of light. People on Earth will seem that the round trip takes only ten years, the astronauts will arrive at the Alpha in five years. They will send a message that reaches the Earth in four years, that is in nine years after the beginning of the trip and just a year before the arrival of the astronauts back to Earth.To understand howastronautsperceivethe journey, it is necessary totake into account thedelay of time, resulting in a lossof synchronizationof the clockon Earth andon a spaceship, and a decrease in distance; bothpurelyrelativisticphenomenon. The theory(andlaboratory experiments) predict thatin terms of theastronautsall the waywill beshorter bytwo-fifths, i.e.will be equal to2.4light-years, and, therefore,the travel timeis reducedto six years.Thus,the timefor those who arein a wayis different from the timemeasuredby those who remained on Earth.Twin Paradoxis shrouded inromanceandthe fogof interstellar travelmisinterpretations. Only when studiedthe relativitytheory one canfinallyrealize thattwin paradoxoccurs onlywhenforget aboutthe relativity of simultaneity.


Viewed 27th September 2015
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Что определяет интервал между двумя событиями?

Интервал между двумя событиями определяет правильный временной интервал между ними.

Как можно перевести время системы в систему К?

Перевод времени системы в систему К осуществляется по следующей формуле.

Что означает временной интервал между двумя событиями?

Временной интервал между двумя событиями указывает на прошедшее время между ними.

Какие события рассматриваются в статье?

В статье рассматриваются два события: первое событие, где показания часов равны [значение], и второе событие, где показания часов равны [значение].

Что происходит при переводе системы в систему К?

При переводе системы в систему К происходит преобразование времени по определенной формуле.

Что такое время?

В физике время - это измеряемый промежуток, используемый для определения последовательности и продолжительности событий. Это одно из фундаментальных понятий, которое используется в науке и повседневной жизни.

Что такое время путешествия?

Время путешествия - это понятие, которое относится к перемещению в пространстве из одной точки в другую. В контексте статьи "Время путешествия и скорость света" речь идет о возможности перемещаться во времени с использованием различных теоретических моделей и принципов, таких как скорость света и интервалы времени.

Как связано время и скорость света?

В теории относительности Альберта Эйнштейна скорость света считается абсолютной верхней границей скорости во Вселенной. Когда объект движется со скоростью, близкой к скорости света, временные интервалы для этого объекта проходят медленнее по сравнению с неподвижным наблюдателем.

Как происходят путешествия во времени?

Путешествия во времени - это часто обсуждаемая тема в научной фантастике, но в реальности они пока что остаются теоретическими. Некоторые физические концепции предлагают возможность путешествия во времени путем изгиба пространства-времени или использования черных дыр. Однако практическое осуществление путешествий во времени до сих пор не достигнуто.

Как расчитать время в другой системе отсчета?

Для преобразования времени из одной системы отсчета в другую можно использовать формулу, предложенную в статье. Эта формула позволяет учесть разницу в относительной скорости между системами отсчета и выполнить соответствующие вычисления. Она основана на предположении, что величина интервала между двумя событиями остается неизменной независимо от системы отсчета.

Что определяет интервал между двумя событиями?

Интервал между двумя событиями определяет пространственно-временной интервал между ними.

Как можно произвести преобразование времени в системе координат K?

Преобразование времени в системе координат K может быть выполнено с помощью следующей формулы.