Стилистический анализ текста на английском языке

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Тип работы: Эссе
Предмет: Английский продвинутый
  • 66 страниц
  • 0 + 0 источников
  • Добавлена 13.06.2017
400 руб.
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He painted apparently casually, from time to time gazing up at the model. He did not often look at her”.The moment Ms. Perry realizes the truth it is the moment when the polite social alienation turns into the open hatred. We do not know Elihu’s reason but Ms. Perry made her conclusion. An interesting point is that we experienced shock of revelation together with Elihu because Ms. Perry’s decoding, verbalization of her suspicions is really harsh and abrupt: “I honestly don’t think you have painted me at all. In fact, I felt you weren’t interested in painting me. I think you’re interested in letting your eyes go over my naked body for certain reasons of your own. I don’t know what your personal needs are, but I’m damn well sure that most of them have nothing to do with painting.”The final line of the story signalizes us that Elihu does not really care about people around because he is fixed upon himself, his own loneliness: “Afterward he removed the towel over his canvas and tried to fill in her face, but he had already forgotten it.” He doesn’t even remember Ms. Perry’s face, only her body.The main idea of the text is loneliness of a person despite the everyday possibility of contact with other people. But whose fault is it? Who is wrong in this situation? As we can see from the story the author’s idea is that it is the fault of everyone. Ms. Perry does not care about Elihu. She keeps her distance, she makes her conclusions. But also throughout the story we can observe how Elihu is attentive to Ms. Perry but only as for the body. He does not see the personality in her; he uses her presence in his house just in physical meaning. The author gives several portrait details spotted by Elihu: “The model was a plain-looking woman of twenty-seven or so, and the painter decided her best features were her eyes”; “Her head and shoulders were so slender and well formed.”; “Her figure was good”; “He thought that in her way she was not a bad-looking woman, though she lacked grace”. But he doesn’t pay attention to her personality. We can only guess about her character and the circumstances of her life: her mode of speaking is rather harsh (“but I’m damn well sure”), her clothes aren’t for the spring weather, she’s the artist herself, but she’s “broke”. Elihu shows no interest in any of these details. These facts imply that there is a bit (or maybe a lot) of Elihu’s own guilt in his loneliness. It is easy to make people alienated if you see only their bodies; it is also really offensive in the situation described in the short story. So one cannot blame Ms. Perry for her reaction.I do not agree with the author’s idea: people are not so much distanced, alienated as in the story. Our loneliness depends on ourselves and our capability for social dialogue, our desire to get to know people and the world. If we are bold enough and selfless enough, if we care about each other we are not alone and alienated, because we are together with others.



Как художник относился к модели, во время рисования?

Художник рисовал, казалось бы, неофициально время от времени, бросая взгляды на модель. Он не часто смотрел на нее.

Когда происходит момент, когда г-жа Перри понимает правду?

Момент, когда г-жа Перри понимает правду, наступает в тот момент, когда вежливое социальное отчуждение превращается в открытое ненависть.

Какую заключение сделала г-жа Перри по поводу Элиху?

Мы не знаем причину Элиху, но г-жа Перри сделала свое заключение.

Каковы реакции Элиху и г-жи Перри на открытие правды?

Интересный момент состоит в том, что мы вместе с Элиху испытали шок при открытии правды, потому что вербализация подозрений г-жи Перри действительно передала нам это.

Какие эмоции испытывает Элиху, когда г-жа Перри вербализирует свои подозрения?

Элиху испытывает шок при открытии правды, когда г-жа Перри вербализирует свои подозрения.

Как автор описывает действия художника?

Автор описывает, что художник рисовал поверхностно, иногда заглядывая вверх на модель. Он редко на нее смотрел.

Какую роль играет момент осознания правды героиней Мисс Перри?

Момент осознания правды - это момент, когда вежливая социальная отчужденность превращается в открытое ненависть. Нам неизвестна причина Элиху, но Мисс Перри сделала свои выводы.

Что вызывает шок открытия у Элиху и у читателей?

Шок открытия вызывается тем, что Мисс Перри декодирует и вербализует свои подозрения. Мы вместе с Элиху переживаем этот шок открытия.