Written Assignment answering the questions

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  • 88 страниц
  • 5 + 5 источников
  • Добавлена 19.07.2021
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The agreement can have various names: pact, convention, declaration, memorandum, protocol, protocol of intent, gentleman's agreement.Any negotiations usually end with the following agreements: a description of the situation as it really is; formulation of a solution; transferring it to another instance; the conclusion of an agreement.At the personal level, the participants evaluate the result of negotiations from the point of view of its compliance or inconsistency with the goal set for the negotiations. From this point of view, they are: successful, unsuccessful, combined (when they, to a greater or lesser extent, correspond to the set goal by means adequate to this goal).The success of the negotiations means that as a result of their conduct, either the set goal is achieved, or the achievement of the maximum approximation to the set goal by means adequate to this goal takes place.A number of criteria can be used to assess the success of negotiations:• 1) the most important indicator of success is the degree of solution to the problem. The agreement reached in the course of the negotiation process is evidence of one or another solution to the problem. However, depending on the nature of the agreements, the outcome of the confrontation between the parties is different:o • the end of the conflict within the framework of the “win-win” model finally removes the problem from the agenda;o • the end of the conflict according to the scenario "win - loss" or "loss - loss" does not exclude the conflicting interaction of the parties;• 2) another important criterion of success is subjective assessments of negotiations and their results. Negotiations were crowned with success if both parties are satisfied with their results and regard the agreement reached as a fair solution to the problem;• 3) the success of the negotiations allows you to evaluate such a criterion as the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement. The best way to ensure the long-term effect of the negotiations is to include a plan for its implementation in the agreement. It is important that it clearly reflects what needs to be done, by what date, by whose forces.Thus, thefollowingconclusionscanbedrawn.The analysis of the results of business negotiations should take place in the following three directions:1. analysis immediately after the completion of negotiations. Such an analysis helps to assess the progress and results of the negotiations, exchange impressions and determine the priority measures related to the results of the negotiations (appoint executors and determine the deadlines for the implementation of the agreement reached);2. analysis at the highest level - the head of the organization. This analysis of the results of negotiations has the following objectives: discussion of the report on the results of negotiations and clarification of deviations from previously established directives; assessment of information on measures already taken and responsibility; determination of the validity of proposals related to the continuation of negotiations; obtaining additional information about the negotiating partner;3. An individual analysis of business negotiations is to clarify the responsible attitude of each participant to their tasks and the organization as a whole. It is critical introspection for the purpose of controlling and learning from negotiation.In the process of individual analysis, you can get answers to the following questions:• have the interests and motives of the negotiating partner been correctly identified?• did the preparation for negotiations meet the real conditions, in the current situation and requirements?• How well defined are the arguments or compromise proposals?• how to increase the effectiveness of substantive and methodological argumentation?• what determined the outcome of the negotiations?• how to eliminate negative nuances in the negotiation procedure in the future?• who and what should be done to improve the efficiency of negotiations?BibliographyGashin A.A. The main forms of resolving legal conflicts in the Russian Federation. // Questions of modern jurisprudence. - 2015. - No. 47. - p. 62-68.T.A. Kanaykina Negotiations as a way to resolve a legal conflict. // Young scientist, - 2015.- №12, - p. 604-605.3.Mongush A.L. Ways to resolve legal conflicts. // Bulletin of Tuva State University. - 2014.- №1.- P.163-167.T.V. Khudoikina Resolution of a legal conflict. // Tatishchev Readings: Actual Problems of Science and Practice Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 2 parts. VolgaUniversity V.N. Tatishche-va, 2015 .-- p. 236-238.T.V. Khudoikina Technology of alternative resolution of legal conflict. // European science. - 2015, - No. 3 (4). - p. 71-73.


1. Gashin A.A. The main forms of resolving legal conflicts in the Russian Fed-eration. // Questions of modern jurisprudence. - 2015. - No. 47. - p. 62-68.
2. T.A. Kanaykina Negotiations as a way to resolve a legal conflict. // Young scientist, - 2015.- №12, - p. 604-605.
3. 3.Mongush A.L. Ways to resolve legal conflicts. // Bulletin of Tuva State Uni-versity. - 2014.- №1.- P.163-167.
4. T.V. Khudoikina Resolution of a legal conflict. // Tatishchev Readings: Actual Problems of Science and Practice Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 2 parts. Volga University V.N. Tatishche-va, 2015 .-- p. 236-238.
5. T.V. Khudoikina Technology of alternative resolution of legal conflict. // European science. - 2015, - No. 3 (4). - p. 71-73.


Какие названия может иметь соглашение?

Соглашение может называться пакт, конвенция, декларация, меморандум, протокол, протокол намерений или джентльменское соглашение.

Какие этапы обычно проходят переговоры?

Переговоры обычно проходят через следующие этапы: описание реальной ситуации, формулирование решения, передача его в другую инстанцию и заключение соглашения.

Какие аспекты участники переговоров оценивают на личном уровне?

Участники переговоров оценивают результат переговоров с точки зрения его соответствия их ожиданиям.

Какие различные названия могут иметь соглашение?

Соглашение может иметь разные названия, такие как пакт, конвенция, декларация, меморандум, протокол, протокол намерений или джентльменское соглашение.

Какие этапы проходят переговоры и как заканчиваются?

Переговоры проходят через этапы описания ситуации, формулирования решения, передачи его в другую инстанцию и заключения соглашения.

Какие имена могут быть у соглашения?

Соглашение может иметь различные имена, такие как пакт, конвенция, декларация, меморандум, протокол, протокол намерений, джентльменское соглашение.

Какие этапы обычно присутствуют в соглашении?

Обычно в соглашение включаются следующие этапы: описание ситуации в соответствии с реальностью, формулировка решения, передача его на рассмотрение другой инстанции и заключение соглашения.

Как участники оценивают результаты переговоров на личном уровне?

Участники оценивают результаты переговоров с позиции их соответствия их потребностям и ожиданиям.