Home is where the heart is

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  • 1616 страниц
  • 10 + 10 источников
  • Добавлена 24.07.2021
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1. Interpretation of the term «concept»
2. Dictionary portrait of the word «Home»
3. The concept of «Home» in proverbs, riddles and phraseological units
4. The concept of «Home» in fiction
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The lines from his letter clearly make this clear: "Dear grandfather, do me a divine favor, take me home from here, to the village, there is no way for me to do this... I bow to your feet and will forever pray to God, take me away from here, or I will die...»In the story "Childhood" by Leo Tolstoy, the house is a happy, serene childhood, full of love and tenderness. This is a memory of the years I lived with my parents. "Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me.When you've had your fill, you'd sit at the tea table, on your high chair; it's late, you've long since drunk your cup of milk and sugar, sleep closes your eyes, but you don't move, you sit and listen. And how not to listen?Maman is talking to someone, and the sounds of her voice are so sweet, sothey are friendly. These sounds alone speak so much to my heart! I gaze fixedly at her face with my drowsy eyes, and suddenly she has become all small, small-her face is no bigger than a button; but I can still see it clearly: I can see how she looked at me and how she smiled. I like to see her so tiny. I narrow my eyes even more, and it becomes no bigger than those boys who are in the pupils; but I moved - and the charm was destroyed; I narrow my eyes, turn around, try my best to renew it, but in vain. I get up, climb up with my feet, and lay down comfortably on the chair."To more accurately and vividly express the images of the characters, to reveal the character of the main character Gerasim, I. S. Turgenev uses the description of the house. For example, in the story "Mumu", the portrait of Gerasim can be compared with the description of his closet:"Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim, a man of twelve vershkov growth, built by a hero and a deaf-mute from birth. The lady took him from the village, where he lived alone, in a small hut, apart from his brothers, and was considered almost the most serviceable draft peasant. Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the matter was argued in his hands, and it was fun to watch him when he either plowed and leaned on the plow with his huge hands, it seemed, alone, without the help of a horse, cut through the elastic chest of the earth, or on Peter's Day he so crushed the scythe that even a young birch forest could be swept away from the roots, or the long, hard muscles of his shoulders. The constant silence gave a solemn significance to his frantic work."Description of Gerasim's cubbyhole: "They gave him a cubbyhole over the kitchen; he made it for himself, according to his taste, built in it a bed of oak planks on four blocks - a truly heroic bed; a hundred pounds could be put on it - it would not bend; under the bed was a hefty chest; in the corner there was a table of the same strong property, and near the table - a chair on three legs, but so strong and squat that Gerasim himself, he'll grin. The little room was locked with a lock that looked like a roll of bread, only black…»I. S. Turgenev puts such a huge man in such a small room, and even furnishes it with such large, bulky furniture. The author uses this technique to show the heroic power of the hero, his physical strength, and also, undoubtedly, gradually shows the reader the colossal strength of the spirit of the silent hero.You can also compare the image of the hero from the story "Biryuk" and the description of his hut. The author writes: "I saw a small hut in the middle of a vast courtyard surrounded by a fence. A light shone dimly from one of the windows." People called the forester "Biryuk", they believed that the forester was gloomy and lonely. One window of the hut is also a symbol of loneliness.Describing the interior of the hut, the author shows the poverty and hopelessness of the situation: "The forester's hut consisted of one room, smoky, low and empty, without floors and partitions. A tattered sheepskin coat hung on the wall. A single-barrelled rifle lay on the bench, a pile of rags lay in the corner, and two large pots stood near the stove. A splinter was burning on the table, sadly flaring up and going out." Then the author learns that the forester, along with the children, was abandoned by his wife. And a house without a mistress is like an orphan. This is indicated by the following lines: "The hut seemed to me even sadder than before. The bitter smell of the cooled smoke made it unpleasant for me to breathe."Analyzing the works of Russian writers, I noticed that many of them enliven the house-put a living soul. The house grows old with its owner, suffers, rejoices.ConclusionWorking on the project, I came to the following conclusions:The concept of "home" is an invaluable key to understanding culture, since it conveys the specifics and thinking of the people, develops a linguistic flair, brings up an aesthetic sense of language, a sense of love for the native home.In the course of my research, I learned to analyze texts on my own, using details when describing a house. Exploring and analyzing the works of writers, I tried to consider the concept of "Home" from different sides. I found out: the house is a family hearth, because in the native house it is warm, cozy, safe; the house is a small Homeland. In our native town or village, we learn to love nature, learn to distinguish between good and bad; home is a Homeland, a big home for all the people; home is a haven for the soul, because the beauty and warmth of the house are closely connected with the beauty of the soul of its owners. This is the spiritual beginning of our thoughts; home is the Earth, and every corner of it is a part of a large and beautiful planet that we should love as much as our parents ' home.Despite the fact that home is a multi – valued word, and it requires further research, I think that my work will help students when writing essays. I have prepared booklets "We recommend reading" and "Let's listen to the wise", which will be ready-made material in preparation for the exams in the Russian language.References1. Andreeva R. P. Etymological dictionary for schoolchildren.SPb.: 2002. - 480 p.2. Astafyev V. P. The last bow. 1997.3. Babenko L. G., Kazarin Yu. V. Linguistic analysis of a literary text.2004.4. Valeeva D. R. Stable combinations representing the concept of the house in the Russian language. Bulletin of the VSU.Series:.Linguistics and intercultural communication.2009.5. Dostoevsky F. M. The boy at Christ on the Christmas tree.6. Korolenko V. G. In a bad society.7. Krylov G. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Victoria plus", 20118. Dal V. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language modern version. Moscow: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 736 p.9. Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions: OOO "A TEMP":, 2010.10. Paustovsky K. G. Meshcherskaya side.


1. Andreeva R. P. Etymological dictionary for schoolchildren. SPb.: 2002. - 480 p.
2. Astafyev V. P. The last bow. 1997.
3. Babenko L. G., Kazarin Yu. V. Linguistic analysis of a literary text.2004.
4. Valeeva D. R. Stable combinations representing the concept of the house in the Russian language. Bulletin of the VSU.Series:. Linguistics and intercultural communication.2009.
5. Dostoevsky F. M. The boy at Christ on the Christmas tree.
6. Korolenko V. G. In a bad society.
7. Krylov G. A. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Victoria plus", 2011
8. Dal V. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language modern version. Moscow: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 736 p.
9. Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions: OOO "A TEMP":, 2010.
10. Paustovsky K. G. Meshcherskaya side.


Как можно интерпретировать понятие "дом"?

Понятие "дом" можно интерпретировать как место, где человек чувствует себя комфортно и безопасно, связанное с его эмоциональной привязанностью и принадлежностью.

Каким образом можно описать понятие "дом" с помощью словарных определений?

Словарные определения понятия "дом" могут включать такие характеристики, как место проживания, строение для жилья, место, куда человек возвращается после работы или путешествий.

Как понятие "дом" используется в поговорках, загадках и фразеологических выражениях?

Понятие "дом" часто используется в поговорках и выражениях, чтобы выразить чувство уюта и комфорта, например, "В чужом доме хорошо, а своем лучше", или использоваться в значении родины, например, "Всякому мила родина".

Что можно сказать о понятии "дом" в художественной литературе?

В художественной литературе понятие "дом" может иметь разные значения в зависимости от контекста. "Дом" может быть символом уюта и семейного счастья, а также местом, которое герой пытается найти или вернуться к нему, как в данном фрагменте письма.

Каковы основные выводы статьи о понятии "дом"?

Основные выводы статьи состоят в том, что понятие "дом" связано с чувством принадлежности и комфорта, оно может иметь разные толкования в разных контекстах, включая словарные определения, поговорки, фразеологические выражения и литературные произведения.

Каково содержание статьи "Home is where the heart is"?

Статья "Home is where the heart is" содержит следующие разделы: Введение, Интерпретация понятия "дом", Словарное определение слова "дом", Понятие "дом" в пословицах и фразеологизмах, Понятие "дом" в художественной литературе, Заключение, Список литературы.

Какие есть разделы в статье "Home is where the heart is"?

Статья "Home is where the heart is" состоит из нескольких разделов: Введение, Интерпретация понятия "дом", Словарное определение слова "дом", Понятие "дом" в пословицах и фразеологизмах, Понятие "дом" в художественной литературе и Заключение.

Что означает понятие "дом" в различных пословицах и фразеологических выражениях?

Статья "Home is where the heart is" рассматривает понятие "дом" в различных пословицах и фразеологических выражениях. В них "дом" может означать место комфорта и безопасности, семейные узы, укрепленные привычками и традициями.

Какие примеры приводятся в статье для иллюстрации понятия "дом" в художественной литературе?

В статье "Home is where the heart is" приводятся примеры из художественной литературы, где понятие "дом" используется для выражения чувственной привязанности к родному месту или для создания атмосферы комфорта и уюта. Один из примеров - выдержка из письма, где говорится о том, что герой хочет вернуться домой и просит деда помочь ему в этом.

Какие есть источники, использованные в статье "Home is where the heart is"?

Статья "Home is where the heart is" содержит список литературы, в котором перечислены используемые источники и ссылки на них.

Что такое дом?

Дом - это место, где находится сердце человека. Это место, где мы чувствуем себя комфортно и безопасно.

Какой смысл несут строки из письма в статье?

Строки из письма выражают просьбу автора вернуть его домой в деревню. Они показывают, что автор сильно желает покинуть текущее местоположение и вернуться в свою родную обстановку.