Improvement of employee Motivation System in Organization “TANUKI”

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CHAPTER 1. Theoretical foundations of personnel labor motivation 6
1.1. The concept and role of personnel labor motivation 6
1.2 Personnel motivation system in the organization 12
1.3. Research methodology of the personnel labor motivation management system…. 18
CHAPTER 2. Activities of the organization and the content of the personnel management system 25
2.1. Description of the organizational and production structure of "Tanuki" 25
2.2. Analysis of the personnel motivation management system in "Tanuki" 26
2.3. The program of measures for the development of the personnel motivation management system in "Tanuki" 39
Appendix A 57
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In addition, the gender factor, the specifics of the work of each department, as well as the age of the NFP staff will also be important in the development of this system.A survey of 31 Tanuki employees revealed that the majority of respondents (36%) appreciate such incentives as an extra day off or a slight reduction in the working day, for example, the ability to leave work earlier. The second place is occupied by a flexible work schedule and good living conditions in the office, accounting for 29% each. Every fifth participant in the study (19%) noted the recognition and public gratitude of the leader for his good work. For respondents, who make up 16% of all surveyed people, help and support in personal matters (reviewing a thesis, assistance in registering a child for a kindergarten, etc.) is relevant. The opportunity to work at home is attractive for 14% of the respondents. The results of company research have revealed a direct relationship between the availability of benefits and their number, on the one hand, and a sense of pride, and a positive attitude of the employee to his company, on the other.Summing up the results of the study, it is possible to develop a program of measures to improve the system of management of employee motivation in the NFFE.1. To develop a mission of the organization and a long-term strategy for the development of the NEFP. This will increase the corporate spirit, create an opportunity for more effective management of the organization. It will improve the image of the organization (AOFF) among the subjects of the external environment. In the development of the assigned task, the entire team of the NFP should take part.2. Introducing the unspoken rule “any ideas are worthy of attention” into the NPLP. For example, an organization has a general development vector, but ready-made solutions for achieving results are unknown, employees learn to work quickly, efficiently and efficiently in the process of the work itself. Therefore, the main task of the team will be to learn to listen to others, to take into account any new proposals. Employees participate in the discussion and solution of problems of the organization, the leadership of the organization supports a reasonable initiative.3. Employees receive bonuses for personal achievements not related to their job responsibilities. The plan for improving the program for managing staff motivation includes items that are not related to work. The NEFP should be interested not only in qualified personnel, but in versatile, creative and self-sufficient employees. The personnel motivation management system is personalized. Shi-roko applies weekly supervisor conversations with each subordinate.In many Russian companies, a situation often arises that after a probationary period a person is fired without giving an explanation of how he does not suit the employer. In Western firms, managers must hold individual hourly meetings with their employees at least once a week to find out how they are doing, what they are happy with or not happy with at work, whether the employee is keeping up with the development plan schedule, in what issues need a manager's help. This is precisely the main function of a leader - to inspire employees, to support them in their work. This attitude towards employees creates a family atmosphere.4. Career planning for a particular employee should be implemented, taking into account his specific needs and situations, which will allow linking the goals of the organization and the individual employee. It is necessary to ensure the openness of the career management process, study the career potential of employees and identify ways of career development.To implement the proposed system, it is necessary to determine its economic efficiency. To do this, I will formulate a cost plan for the proposed activities.1. To develop a mission of the organization and a long-term strategy for the development of the NEFP, which will increase the corporate spirit and create an opportunity for more effective management of the organization in the interests of each employee, including the employer. Therefore, the development of this event can be done during working hours, allocating no more than two hours a day for this, which will not affect the efficiency of the organization as a whole. Thus, this point of the program to improve the personnel management system does not require economic costs.2. The introduction of the unspoken rule “any ideas are worthy of attention” into the NPLP is initially an intangible motivation of employees, therefore it also does not require economic costs.3. Weekly conversations between the manager and each employee is also an intangible motivation of employees, therefore, it does not require economic costs either.4. Planning the career of a specific employee, taking into account his specific needs and situations, which will allow linking the goals of the organization and the individual employee, is an activity that indirectly in the long term can affect changes in the Tanuki budget and will be expressed in the difference salaries, the position of the employee and the position in the perspective of career growth. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the economic efficiency of this measure today.Thus, it can be said about the economic efficiency proposed for the implementation of the program to improve the personnel motivation management system in the NFFP that it is acceptable, since it is based on the introduction of non-monetary incentive methods.Summing up, we can say that in order to create an effective system for managing staff motivation in a modern organization, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:- management decisions of the management should be consistent, rational and logical;- the majority of employees want to show their abilities and their importance in work, therefore they need recognition of their professional opinion by the management on those issues in which they are competent enough;- if the work is monotonous and does not provide opportunities for development, you should practice changing types of activities;- each employee has his own point of view on how to improve his work, and it must be taken into account;- if an employee feels the importance of his work, then this allows him to increase his self-esteem, self-confidence;- employees get satisfaction from the work and perform it with enthusiasm if they can achieve their goals, therefore, the goals set should be realistic, measurable in terms of level and timing;- achieving success without recognition from management and colleagues leads to disappointment, therefore, an employee who has high results in work should receive both material and moral encouragement;- as a rule, employees negatively perceive changes in work if they are accepted without taking into account their opinion and experience, even if these innovations are rational and useful;- it is necessary to objectively and promptly inform the employee about the quality of his work, which will allow him to regularly analyze and make adjustments to his activities;- for the overwhelming majority of employees, external control is unpleasant, it is necessary to strive for the maximum possibility of self-control, which increases self-esteem, responsibility and interest in work;- employees quickly lose motivation and initiative if their efforts and achieved results lead to the fact that they are even more loaded.CONCLUSIONBased on the research conducted by "Tanuki", the following conclusions can be drawn:1) the team is efficient, with extensive practical experience and high qualifications; 2) training and advanced training is carried out regularly; 3) the disadvantage is that for most employees, the most important incentive is wages, and not personal achievements and successes.To improve the Tanuki personnel motivation management system, the following measures should be considered and carried out:1) develop a mission and development strategy for the organization;2) the introduction of the unspoken rule "any ideas are worthy of attention";3) maximum implementation of non-material incentives;4) planning the career of a specific employee, taking into account his specific needs and situations, which will allow linking the goals of the organization and the individual employee. It is necessary to ensure the openness of the career management process, study the career potential of employees and determine the ways of service growth.As a result of the study of the development of the labor motivation management system for the personnel of the NEFP, the following conclusions can also be drawn:1) The study of the concept of personnel labor motivation revealed that motivation is an important factor in the organization's activities, which allows it to have a significant impact on personnel in order to obtain the necessary and planned result. Motivation is associated with the process of stimulation, which can be considered as an effective impact on personnel. Motive is the reason for the beginning of a person's actions, which is a psychological factor, but this factor must be provided with a response from the organization.2) We found out that the system of motivation is made up of material and non-material parts. If with the material part everything is more or less clear - the system of bonuses and bonuses, then with the non-material part everything is much more complicated. She is tied to the company's philosophy and management style.3) In the final qualifying work, the study "Management of personnel labor motivation" was carried out. To determine the motivation of personnel, the respondents were offered a questionnaire. The questionnaire includes 3 blocks: The first block is devoted to the factors influencing the system of personnel labor motivation. According to the first block, we can say that the NFP has a great desire to grow, we strive to develop and improve new ideas ‚new opportunities.The second block is devoted to stimulating staff labor. According to the results of a survey in the personnel motivation system, wages do not fully fulfill their stimulating function, since employees are not satisfied with the level of wages in the organization. But at the same time, employees in the organization have a great desire to participate in programs to stimulate staff labor for certain bonuses.The third block is aimed at intangible methods of personnel labor motivation. According to the conducted research, the degree of satisfaction with the system of moral incentives was determined. Satisfaction with the organization and working conditions in the NFP is assessed as satisfactory, which speaks of the ineffective organization of work, the ineffective system of moral incentives and motivation for work and the need to improve it. The information received on the first block of questions allows you to get a general idea of ​​the state of affairs in the organization.4). Based on the analysis of incentive factors, more than half of employees (60%) are confident that motivation affects the work of the team as a whole. This means that the management should use material and non-material incentives for the effective work of the organization. The most significant way of material incentives is high wages, which 85% of respondents think so. For Tanuki employees, this is the most effective, but at the same time, the most expensive way of labor motivation of personnel. The most significant method of non-material incentives is a favorable climate in the team, according to 34% of respondents. To bring the team closer together, it is necessary to hold joint collective holidays, field trips in an informal setting, this contributes to the cohesion of the team.5). According to the conducted research, the degree of satisfaction with the system of material incentives was determined. According to the results of a survey in the personnel motivation system, wages do not fully fulfill their incentive function, since employees are not satisfied with the level of wages at the enterprise. But at the same time, employees in the organization have a great desire to participate in programs to stimulate staff labor for certain bonuses.Also, as a result of the study, it turned out that only a small part of the surveyed workers can afford to spend more than 4000 rubles a month on entertainment. 20% of employees spend from 2000r to 4000r without prejudice to their budget. Most of the respondents consider it appropriate to spend money on entertainment in an amount not exceeding 2000 rubles, and some of the respondents prefer not to spend money at all. This category includes employees over the age of 45, as well as employees who do not agree with their wages in this organization. Thus, the material incentive system at Tanuki is assessed as satisfactory.6). According to the conducted research, the degree of satisfaction with the system of moral incentives was determined. Satisfaction with the organization and working conditions at Tanuki was also rated as satisfactory.This indicates an ineffective organization of labor, an ineffective system of moral incentives and motivation for labor and the need to improve it.The analysis revealed that satisfaction with the system of moral and material incentives is low. Low satisfactionthe attitude of workers to the existing systems of moral and material incentives corresponds. First of all, they are not satisfied with the existing remuneration system and working conditions. Most of the Tanuki employees consider themselves to be capable employees, and some of the respondents also think differently, saying that they are not capable employees. Undoubtedly, for that group of people who assesses themselves as an incapable employee, it is worth taking measures to increase moral motivation, for example, such as: posting photographs of distinguished employees in the reporting month on the honor board, providing a day off as a reward for a job well done.7) As part of the study, a program of measures was proposed for the development of a personnel motivation management system, which is aimed at solving the following tasks:- improvement of human resources, in the conditions of formationemployees loyal to the company;- increasing the efficiency of labor, the formation of a unique culture of labor activity in the organization;- stimulating the desire to master advanced technologies inprofessional activity, increasing the prestige of trade union activity;- establishing a comfortable emotional background in the team;- ensuring the conscious implementation of the Internal Labor Regulations and compliance with labor discipline;- stimulating a conscientious attitude to work and striving for the fullest and most effective satisfaction of the needs of workers in the process of their work.8) We found out that the company needs to use non-monetary incentive methods, which will increase the prestige of the performed labor functions. The proposed grounds, criteria and forms of incentives will contribute to the formation and sustainable manifestation of a responsible and proactive attitude towards labor duties among employees.9). It is predicted that a social effect will be obtained from the introduction of the personnel incentive system in "Tanuki". It manifests itself in the following:- increasing interest in work;- improving relationships in the team, reducing the levelconflicts;- improving the quality of work;- increasing job satisfaction;- increasing a sense of self-importance for the organization.Implementation of the proposed personnel incentive system with the inclusion of non-monetary methods of personnel incentives for initiative and high performance, for the quality and volume of work performed will allow solving the problems of the personnel incentive system identified in Tanuki.LIST OF SOURCESThe Constitution of the Russian Federation (taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12/30/2008 N 6-FKZ, of 12/30/2008 N 7-FKZ, of 02/05/2014 N 2-FKZ, of 07/21/2016 N 11-FKZ [Electronic resource]. URL: http // Code of the Russian Federation "of 12/30/2001 N 197-FZ (as revised on 07/03/2016) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 01/01/2017) [Electronic resource]. URL: http // www. trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity: Feder. Law: Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 10-FZ [adopted by the State. Duma on December 8, 1995].Charter "Tanuki" (Adopted by the 1st Conference of the Novgorod Regional Federation of Trade Unions on 10.10.1991, as amended on December 14, 1993, October 8, 1997, October 25, 2006, October 27, 2010, June 05 2014, 15 October 2015).Abryutina M.S. Analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise [Text]: textbook. 1st ed. / Abryutina M.S. Tutorial. - M .: Business and Service, 2015 .-- 265 p.Agarkov, A.P. Economics and management at the enterprise [Text]: 3rd ed. Textbook / A.P. Agarkov, R.S. Golov, V.Yu. Teplyshev. - Electron. Dan. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2014. - 400 p.Anisimov, V.M. 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Secrets of staff motivation 2015-244 p.Ponomareva I., Levina S./ [Text]: textbook. 1st edition of PonomarevI., Levina S.Sh. Priorities of labor motivation management // The Economist. 2010. No. 2.P. 81.Maslow, Abraham Motivation and Personality; Saint Petersburg: Eurasia - Moscow, 2014 .-- 478 p.Henderson R.I. Compensation management; Separate ed. Peter-2014. - 880 p.Tsarkova L.N., Cherkasov M.N. The need to use innovative technologies to solve the main problems of the modern economy / Economics and modern management: theory and practice. - 2016. - No. 34. - P. 34-39.President of Russia [Electronic resource]. - Moscow: Kremlin, 2019. Access mode: AQUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT OF LABOR MOTIVATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STAFFFactors affecting the personnel motivation system1. Are you satisfied with your work in the organization?a) satisfied with the work;b) rather satisfied than dissatisfied;c) rather dissatisfied than satisfied;d) completely dissatisfied.2. What are the most significant factors in your work?a) the prestige of the work;b) recognition in work;c) career growth;e) safety;f) responsibility;g) work schedule;h) wages;i) the team;j) working conditions;k) intensity of work. 3. In your opinion, does motivation affect the increase in labor efficiency?a) affects;b) does not affect;c) I find it difficult to answer.4. What, in your opinion, are the main ways of material stimulation of labor?a) high wages;b) bonuses every month;c) seniority allowances;d) payments for overfulfillment of the plan;e) 13th salary;f) VHI (voluntary medical insurance);g) partial payment for lunch;h) payment for the demonstrated professionalism;i) payments for advanced training;j) bonuses for routine work. 5. What, in your opinion, are the main ways of non-material stimulation of labor?a) doing what you love;b) a favorable climate in the team;c) comfortable working conditions;d) career growth;e) public recognition;f) additional day off;f) collective holidays;g) self-realization;h) creative labor process;i) public praise.6. Are you satisfied with the existing system of motivation?a) satisfied;b) are not satisfied.7. Do you need a staff motivation system at all?a) is needed;b) not needed.8. Are you interested in professional development?a) interested;b) not interested;c) I find it difficult to answer.9. Do you believe that the results obtained will lead to the expected rewards for this result?a) will lead;b) will not.10. Is the reward that you receive is of value to you?a) represents;b) does not represent.Incentives for staff labor.1. Are you ready to receive awards not with money, but with significant things that would satisfy your needs?a) yes;b) no;c) I find it difficult to answer.2. How important is professional development to you?a) very important;b) important;c) unimportant;d) it doesn't matter.3. Select the aspects that are most important for your work?a) material motivation of employees;b) working conditions;c) the possibility of career growth.4. Do you agree with your salary?a) I agree;b) disagree;c) refrain from answering.5. How much do you spend per month for entertainment (going to the cinema, cafes, billiards, sauna, etc.)?a) 0b) 0-2000c) 2000-4000d) 4000 and more6. Are you confident that the remuneration you receive is fair in relation to the results of your work?a) confident;b) not sure;c) I find it difficult to answer.7. Do you think the effort you put into getting the job done is high?a) yes;b) no;c) I find it difficult to answer.8. How do you assess your role in the teamwork process in your organization?a) above average;b) average;c) below average;d) I find it difficult to answer.9. What is your complex assessment of the received moral encouragement?a) high;b) low.10. Would you be interested in participating in the new system of personnel motivation, taking into account the fact that you will have to adjust to it, but at the same time it will bring certain bonuses?a) yes, interesting;b) no, not interesting.Intangible methods of personnel labor motivation. 1. Are you confident that the remuneration you receive is fair?a) confident;b) not sure;c) I find it difficult to answer.2. Do you expect your successful work to lead to career opportunities?a) I expect;b) I do not expect;c) I find it difficult to answer.3. Do you think that the results obtained will lead to the expected attention from colleagues for this result?a) will lead;b) will not lead;c) maybe;c) I find it difficult to answer.4. Are you confident that the recognition you receive from your peers and management is fair to the results of your work?a) confident;b) not sure;c) I find it difficult to answer.5. How do you assess your role in the teamwork process in your organization?a) high;b) medium;c) low;d) I find it difficult to answer.6. Do you consider yourself a capable worker?a) I think;b) I don't think so;c) maybe;d) I find it difficult to answer.7. Do you think the effort you put into getting the job done is high?a) yes, high;b) no, not high.8. What is the value for you organization of recreation?a) high;b) medium;c) low;d) I find it difficult to answer.9. What is your complex assessment of the received moral encouragement?a) excellent;b) good;c) satisfactory;d) bad.10. Do you consider the degree of attention from the leadership for the initiative shown to be fair?a) I think;b) all the same;c) I don't think so;d) I find it difficult to answer.Personal data.1. Your gender:a) male;b) female.2. Your age:a) up to 20 years old;b) 21 - 25 years old;c) 26 - 30 years old;d) 31 - 35 years old;e) 36 - 40 years old;h) 41 and more.3. Education:a) incomplete secondary education;b) higher;c) secondary specialized;d) incomplete higher education.4. General work experience:a) up to 5 years;b) 6 - 10 years old;c) 11 - 15 years old;d) 16 - 20 years old.

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12/30/2008 N 6-FKZ, of 12/30/2008 N 7-FKZ, of 02/05/2014 N 2-FKZ, of 07/21/2016 N 11-FKZ [Electronic resource]. URL: http //
2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation "of 12/30/2001 N 197-FZ (as revised on 07/03/2016) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 01/01/2017) [Electronic resource]. URL: http // www.
3. About trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity: Feder. Law: Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 10-FZ [adopted by the State. Duma on December 8, 1995].
4. Charter "Tanuki" (Adopted by the 1st Conference of the Novgorod Regional Federation of Trade Unions on 10.10.1991, as amended on December 14, 1993, October 8, 1997, October 25, 2006, October 27, 2010, June 05 2014, 15 October 2015).
5. Abryutina M.S. Analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise [Text]: textbook. 1st ed. / Abryutina M.S. Tutorial. - M .: Business and Service, 2015 .-- 265 p.
6. Agarkov, A.P. Economics and management at the enterprise [Text]: 3rd ed. Textbook / A.P. Agarkov, R.S. Golov, V.Yu. Teplyshev. - Electron. Dan. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2014. - 400 p.
7. Anisimov, V.M. Personnel service and personnel management of the organization [Text]: textbook. 3rd ed. / Anisimov V.M. HR department and personnel management of the organization. - M .: 2016. - 425 p.
8. Bazarov, T.Yu. Personnel Management. Workshop: Textbook for university students / T.Yu. Bazarov. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2015 .-- 141p.
9. Blake R.R., Mouton D.S. Scientific management methods / R.R., Blake, D.S. Mu-ton [trans. from English I. Yushchenko]. - Kiev: Higher school, 2016 .-- 274 p.
10. Bulat RE Legal norms and psychological support of personnel management in construction [Text]: textbook. 1st edition / R.E. Bulat - SPb: Business Press, 2016 .-- 197 p.
11. Bulat R.E.The theory and practice of forming the readiness of workers of construction organizations for professional activities: search, attraction, assessment, selection, recruitment, adaptation, training, certification, dismissal of personnel, documenting personnel work / Bulat R.E., Mosin M.A. - SPb: Stroyizdat, 2015 .-- 212 p.
12. Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management: development of labor potential. [Text]: textbook. 1st / M.I. Bukhalkov. - M .: Research Center INFRA-M, Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management [Text]: textbook. 5th / O.S. Vikhansky MA-gistr, INFRA-M, 2011 .-- 576 p.
13. Gamirov N.V. Motivation of labor of managers of a modern enterprise: dissertation of the candidate. economical sciences. Academy of Labor and Social Relations, [Text]: textbook. 1st ed. / N.V. Gamirov Motivation of labor of managers of a modern enterprise: Cand. Dissertation. economical sciences. Academy of Labor and Social Relations Moscow, 2016. - 332p.
14. Garnov, A.P. Enterprise Economics: a textbook for bachelors / A. P. Garnov, E. A. Khlevnaya, A. V. Mylnik. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016 .-- 303 p.
15. Gerchikov, V.I. Personnel management: employee is the most effective resource of the company: [Text]: textbook. 1st ed. / IN AND. Gerchikov. –M .: INFRA – M, Personnel management: an employee is the most effective resource of the company 2017. - 282 p.
16. Goremykin VA Planning at the enterprise: textbook and workshop: [for universities in economic areas and specialties] / VA Goremykin; [Nat. Institute of Business]. - 9th ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2014 .-- 857 p.
17. Ivanova S.V. 100% motivation: where is his button? ... [Text]: textbook. 1st ed. / Ivanova S.V. 100% motivation: where is his button? M .: Publishing house "Alpina Publisher", 2015. - 285p.
18. Ivantsevich D.M., Lobanov A.A. Human resources as an object of management. [Text]: textbook. 1st ed. / Ivantsevich D.M., Lobanov A.A.Human resources as an object of management - M.: Delo, 2016. – 304 p.
19. Korotkov EU Human capital management: efficiency, business reputation, creative potential / [Text]: textbook. 1- e / Korotkov E.U. Problems of management theory and practice. - 2010. - No. 4. - p. 18-30.
20. Knyazeva O.V. Personnel management strategy: prerequisites for the implementation of a strategic approach to personnel management in Russian companies [Text]: textbook. 1st edition. / O. Knyazeva Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2010. - T. 1. - No. 1. - p. 60-65.
21. Kibanov A.Ya., Batkaeva I.A., Mitrofanova E.A., Lovcheva M.V. Motivation and stimulation of labor activity [Text]: textbook. 1st edition. - M .: Infra-M, 2016. – 528 p.
22. Kibanov A. Ya. Personnel management of the organization. [Text]: textbook. 1st edition / Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management of the organization - M .: Infra-M. - 2017 – 512 p.
23. V.V. Kovalev Personnel management: textbook [Text]: textbook. 1st edition / V.V. Kovalev Personnel management - M .: Delo, 2014. - 213 p.
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Как называется первая глава в книге?

Первая глава в книге называется "Теоретические основы мотивации труда персонала".

Какой методологии исследования используется в книге?

В книге используется методология управления мотивацией труда персонала.

Что включает в себя система мотивации персонала в организации?

Система мотивации персонала в организации включает в себя концепцию и роль мотивации труда персонала, описание организационной и производственной структуры, а также содержание системы управления персоналом.

Какие основные активности организации рассматриваются в книге?

В книге рассматриваются организационные и производственные структуры, а также содержание системы управления персоналом.

Какое значение имеет мотивация труда персонала в организации?

Мотивация труда персонала имеет важное значение в организации, так как она способствует повышению производительности и эффективности работы сотрудников.

Какое значение имеет система мотивации персонала в организации "Тануки Интродакшен"?

Система мотивации персонала в организации "Тануки Интродакшен" играет важную роль, поскольку она способствует повышению эффективности работы сотрудников, стимулирует их усилия и мотивирует достижение поставленных целей.

Какие теоретические основы лежат в основе мотивации труда персонала?

Теоретические основы мотивации труда персонала включают понятие мотивации, ее роль в деятельности сотрудников и способы создания и поддержания мотивации в организации. Также они включают исследование методологии управления мотивацией труда персонала.

Какие факторы влияют на систему мотивации персонала в организации?

Факторы, влияющие на систему мотивации персонала в организации, могут включать материальное поощрение, возможности профессионального развития, удовлетворение потребности в признании и самореализации, а также лидерство и коммуникацию внутри организации.

Какая деятельность организации и содержание системы управления персоналом описываются в данной работе?

Данная работа описывает деятельность организации "Тануки Интродакшен" и содержание ее системы управления персоналом. Она анализирует организационную и производственную структуры, а также исследует методологию управления мотивацией труда персонала.

Какова методология исследования системы управления мотивацией труда персонала в данной работе?

В данной работе применяется методология исследования системы управления мотивацией труда персонала, которая включает описание концепции и роли мотивации, анализ системы мотивации персонала в организации и определение основных факторов, влияющих на систему мотивации.