• Реферат
    Английский продвинутый
  • Реферат на тему "Travelling" по предмету английский продвинутый
  • 1 350 руб.
В реферате следует указать какие страны люди чаще всего посещают,где больше всего отдыхают,как передвигаются,с кем ездят,какие примечательности их привлекают в той или иной стране.Указать 10-15 источников.


Secondary Comprehensive School№. 662



Made by Ashot Adamyan

A student of the 9th form

Consulted by

Agarkova Natalia Nikolayevna




Транспортные is one of the ways of discovering new countries.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays путешествия. They travel to see other continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. Its always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.
Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.
Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them - the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, долины, равнины, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds.
Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.
People travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car, by bike and on foot. People travel to have a holidays or to have business. If people have business trips they choose the fastest transport. They often travel by plane or by train. It is very expensive but it is very fast. And if people want to have a rest they choose путешествие by boat, by car, on horseback and пр. When you travel by car or by bike you can stop where you want.
All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and направления.
If we are fond of путешествий, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.

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